what a goal

Monday, April 03, 2006


I got strep throat...again! The medicine tastes really bad because it's a different kind. I have to take the medicine 4 times a day. The other kind was kid flavored. The doctor was really nice. He taught me a trick. Hold your breath, open your mouth, and say ahhh, that makes it easier for them to take the test. I really like my own doctor...Dr.Johnstone. She's really nice. But they aren't open on the weekends. We tried to go to the walk in clinic, but they weren't open either, so we had to go to emergency.

I still don't feel quite right, but better than before.


  • Hi buddy, You are a real fighter to be sick and still go play hockey. Tough guys like you are the ones who go on and play in the Qand then the NHL.

    What about those Mooseheads? They start to play Moncton on Friday. We'll have to see when they play in Halifax. Hopefully one game here will not be on a school night. Talk to you soon. Papa.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:58 AM  

  • Strep throat! That sucks. Thinking of you. Love you. XOXOXO

    By Blogger Belinda, at 4:43 AM  

  • We really like Dr. Jonston too. I hope you're feeling better soon. Just think, sick season is almost over for this year!

    By Blogger TH, at 12:51 PM  

  • Noah;you have been sick alot, I talked to mom last night and she told me what a trouper you are, and that you are now feeling better. Now that summer is coming you can go swimming at your new house soon..and go camping in the woods...Love you honey. Nannie. p.s....when is grace getting her blog?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:55 AM  

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