what a goal

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Me and Matt

Matt and me are the best friends EVER. !!!! We go to a lot of hockey games together. We watch each others hockey games and practises. We usually get to go to a few Moosehead games together. We are in the same class. We both like a lot of sports. we sometimes go to each others houses to play.

Here are some pictures....


  • Noah, it is so good that you have a friend like Matt. You will be friends for a long time most likely.

    What about those Mooseheads last night. 3-2 over Moncton. They really tried their best and it paid off. Moncton has a very strong team and it was good to see the Mooseheads battle back from a 2-0 deficit to win the game.

    Love you,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:21 AM  

  • Matt is your best friend? Hold on. I thought I was your best friend!!! Just kidding! I'm happy that you have someone as special as Matt in your life. XOXOX

    By Blogger Belinda, at 4:23 AM  

  • Matt is a really nice boy, Noah, and he's lucky to have you as a best friend. I bet he would like to have a blog so he could write about you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:55 PM  

  • Noah, you are so cute! Aunt Heidi xo

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:59 AM  

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