what a goal

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My day...Tuesday August 29

Last Tuesday I went to a Mooseheads game with Papa. It was a pre-season game, where a lot of rookies play and they are trying to make the team. We were playing the PEI rockets. It was the first preseason game. The game was good, we won in a shootout.

I went to another game last night. We played the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles. We played them before in the pre-season, they won in a shootout. This game, was different. We won 6-3. There was one fight, and one time when everyone jumped on top of each other.

Before I left yesterday, Nicholas, William, Thomas and Belinda came over. They like to play with my rescue hereos.


  • Cool I wish I could get go to a mooseheads game.I hope I get to go to a game with you. Ben

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 AM  

  • Noah, I relly enjoy taking you to the Moosehead games. Maybe sometime, we can take your friend Ben with us. I don't know if we will get to any more pre season games or not but the regular season starts in just 2 weeks.

    Hopefully some day, you will be drafted by the Moose and we can all go watch you play in the QJMHL.

    Love Papa

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 AM  

  • WOW!! The season has begin. Have fun xxoo

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:48 AM  

  • The boys always love to come visit and often ask, "When can we go to Hannah and Noah's? When can we go to Hannah and Noah's?" Just like a broken record... whoops, you probably don't know what a music-record is ...should I say then, that they are just like a skipping CD? hehehe. Hockey. Hockey. Hockey. Hockey.The boy loves hockey. XOXOXOX

    By Blogger Belinda, at 5:49 AM  

  • I suppose a winter full of hockey is something to look forward to at the end of summer.

    By Blogger TH, at 9:02 AM  

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