what a goal

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Monday, February 16, 2009

AAA ice sharks

I made atom AAA and we are doing good. We won the frist round of the playoffs.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Upper Clements Park-Part 1

Two weeks ago, I went to Upper Clements Park with Bailey and his family. It seemed like a long ride up. We stopped at Bailey's grandparents. Bailey didn't feel too good on the drive up.

When we got there, we had lunch. Then we went to the rides. I'll name off some fun rides...the bumper cars, the flume, the water slide, and the ropes. We went on the water slide A LOT! We got soaked on the flume ride. I think you get the most wet in the front. Bailey sat in the front, I sat behind him, then Colin and Brent in the back. The water slide...you are really cold when you are waiting in line. You go down pretty fast.

On the way home we dropped Tara off at their house, and we went to Pizza Delight. The food was good. Then they dropped me off at home.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My day...Tuesday August 29

Last Tuesday I went to a Mooseheads game with Papa. It was a pre-season game, where a lot of rookies play and they are trying to make the team. We were playing the PEI rockets. It was the first preseason game. The game was good, we won in a shootout.

I went to another game last night. We played the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles. We played them before in the pre-season, they won in a shootout. This game, was different. We won 6-3. There was one fight, and one time when everyone jumped on top of each other.

Before I left yesterday, Nicholas, William, Thomas and Belinda came over. They like to play with my rescue hereos.

Monday, May 29, 2006

My trip to Moncton

My trip to Moncton was good. On the drive up, it felt really long. I played my gameboy some. Mom rented two games for me to play...Madgascar and Mario Pinball. ( I just got my gameboy two weeks ago with my birthday money, and I got The Incredibles game to go with it)

Grace and I did our chant , like always. "Let's go Thunder, let's go!!!" That was fun. We didn't get to go the hotel before the first game. Our first game was against the Cougars! They were hungry. It was a good game. We lost 3-1. Then we went to the hotel. I brought my mini stick and my ball, and I played hockey in our room. We had a suite...whatever that means. We had two TV's. We tried to go for supper with the team, but dad thought we would be late, so we went on our own. Dad was right...they were really late! Then we had to go back for our second game against a New Brunswick team...The Tommies. They won gold this year for their province. Those guys were HUGE! The game was great. They had a really good guy whose number was #87. He scored for them. We got a too many men penalty, that was a horrible call. It was while we were changing lines. Our coach got really upset, and the ref gave us a bench penalty. Aidan served the first penalty, and I had to serve the bench penalty. It was my first time in the penalty box. I didn't get the penalty, I was just serving it. It was a 1-1 tie.

Me and Matt Grace waiting to do our warm up run...

I was really tired that night.

The next day our first game was at 2:00pm. So we had breakfast, and then went for a swim in the pool. Then we got ready for the game. We palyed another NB team...The Screaming Eagles. They were good. We won that game 4-3. The Lightening needed to win against the Tommies for us to make the playoffs, but they hadn't won a game all year. They lost. Then at 8:00pm, we played The Titans. In the dressing room the coach told us that if we won one more game, we would have broke the record for most games won for Thunder. It was our final game. We didn't get off to a good start, and we ended up losing 9-3.

When we got back to the hotel, a bunch of us played mini hockey in the coach's room. We played until midnight! Dad helped us. It was a lot of fun!

In the morning we went to breakfast, and saw Zander and Brody (a Thunder player and his little brother) We talked to them for awhile. When we were about to leave I saw my friend Matt Q. He told me, he won one, and lost three, and all of their games they lost by one. They didn't make it to the playoff's either. Cougar's lost to the Hurricanes! So the Hurricanes went to the final game. But, at breakfast, another team told us they had put their really good guy on for the whole game. The Hurricanes would have played The Tommies. I haven't heard yet who won.

My friend Morgan Lunn's mom, picked up a Thunder shirt for me. It has the Thunder sign on the front, and all of our name son the back. I love it!

We made a lot of pit stops on the way home. We went to the mountain place, in Parrsboro, and climbed up this big hill. We saw the water. It was beautiful.

When we got home I was really tired, and went fast asleep. The weekend was AWESOME!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Championship Game

This weekend we had two games. The first one was against a team called Lightening. They had 0 wins/10 losses. We beat them 8-3. I got one assist for sure. I might have gotten more. After the game I got some hockey cards.

We went to Steak and Stein with team for lunch. The food was pretty slow. After lunch we went next door to the Forum to see Matt Q. team playing in their championship game. The crowd was all cheering "Thunder". My friend Morgan Lunn was the captain. We only got to see a little bit of the game. But, they lost 5-2.

Before we started our final game, we sat outside on the grass, and the coaches gave us all a certificate, and a puck with Thunder on one side, and our picture on the other.

Then we played in the Championship Game. We were playing against the Cougars, and we haven't beat them in three games we've played before. First period was horrible. After the first period, we were losing 4-0. The second period wasn't much better, but we scored one goal. The third period...was awesome! We scored two goals in one shift, to make it 4-3. Then we scored another and tied it up. Then it was amazing...my line scored the winning goal! WE WERE SO EXCITED!!!! We won the game 5-4...after being behind 4-0. We had never beat them before.

When the game was over, we went to the blue line and got our medals. Then we had a team picture, on the ice, with our gold medals. Some of the team stopped at The Jolly Mug on the way home to celebrate. I had a hot dog with fries. It was a long drive home and I was really tired.

We go to Moncton next weekend for the Atlantic Cup, and we play the Cougars in our first game.

They were great games, and I'll never forget it.

PS. We're going to put up some pictures later. Mom's having a camera problem this morning.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hockey talk

Thunder is great. First weekend of thunder, that night I could not sleep. In the game we played the best team last year. I got one assist and we won the game 7-1. We went to the park before the second game, for the girls. In the second game we played The Cougars. We lost 5-4. BUT...my friend Aidan was on a breakaway, and someone threw their stick, 15 feet away from him...AND DIDN'T GET A PENALTY!

Next weekend, we play Hurricanes. I got 3 assists in that game. We won 7-5. The second game that weekend, we played the Heat. We won 11-1.

At practise last night, Glen Murray was there. If you don't know, he's a really good hockey player. Adn we got some stuff from other teams...stickers and tattos.

This weekend we go to Antigonish and play Cougars and Hurricanes. Hurricanes are behind us in the standings. Cougars are ahead of us. We are two points behind them. You get two points if you win.

Soemone from my class...Aidan...is on my line.